August 28, 2006

The Start of a New Chapter

Ok technically this is the start, some things I have been on going for quite some time now. Blogging seems to be the “it” thing right now. I actually had a blog before when it first jumped off, but then discontinued it. I decided to give another go at it. I mean you got people like my partner in crime Chuck Holliday getting books deals off his blog and RLes attaining fame though the use of this site (Ya’ll should really check that out, site is hot) why not do one. While I’m not using it to attain fame or book deals (I don’t think of myself as a writer) I do think writing is good for the soul. I use to be involved in music a lot and did that when I was stressed but since I haven’t had the time to do that in awhile, I’ll try this.

Ok enough rambling, why did I title this “The Start of a New Chapter”? Well let’s bring you up to speed first. My name is Jason, I go by VerSe, VerSeMaN, or Victor Maloof (don’t ask lol). I’m a 26 year old black male living in the Bronx of New York City. I work in the Information Technology field where I work as a PC Tech for a global advertising company. I however do so much more. I’m also a CEO, Publisher, Photography, some what a jack of all trades, or at least the trades that interest me. My companies include Versatile Media Group, G Style Magazine, and VMS Photography. Each of these are budding companies that I look forward to expanding and making them grow. There that should bring you up to speed.

Now the new chapter. Well come March 1st (Or at least somewhere around that time) I will become a member of an elite group of men. I call them elite, because from many books I read, they are usually downplayed or no attention is given to these remarkable me. I will become, and am talking about Fatherhood. Yes I will be a father. So you see this is a new beginning, a new chapter. How will I balance trying to expand my business, strengthen my career, and juggle fatherhood at the same time? This will be quite a experience I’m about to embark on. So as I continue I invite you to come back, and have an insight into this experience. May what I do through maybe help other fathers to be learn from what I have done. As I will talk about in future post, fathers according to society don’t play a major role in raising children, but I will change that!

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