My 9-5 is Cool

My 9-5 is Cool

Originally uploaded by daverseman

So yesterday was our first Kickball game. Unfortunately it got cancelled after 3 people kicked from the opposing team due to weather. Our team is company sponsored, we got shirts (as you can see in the picture to the right) and we are playing for a charity, I totally forgot which one, but hey charity is charity, it’s all doing a good thing.

As you can see from the picture, I’m Verse no matter where I go lol. My company, their big on heath and sports, they do a bunch of runs, 3K, 5K runs and other stuff. Shoot we even getting a Nintendo Wii to play in the office since we don’t the room to get like table top tennis like they do in the London office. Our company is cool lol

On another note, 2 days left until vaca (I never counts the day we’re in). I can’t wait, my friend Mel, is already enjoying the Miami scene, so I’ll be hating till I get down there lol.

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